The AI Assistant for Asset and Investment Managers
Secure, Simple, and Smart. FOL·Ai drafts content, dissects performance, completes DDQs, and more.
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Answer queries instantly. Summarise. Create content.
Draft DDQs in under 10 mins. Check sources. Amend answers.
Find reliable data insights. Query exposures. Dissect performance.
Ask the questions ChatGPT can’t handle
What is the net exposure through H1 last year?
Draft a commentary for performance over Q1 this year.
What is the sector and industry breakdown?
Summarise the non-investment resources and infrastructure.
What is the geographical breakdown?
Did the manager impose any staff reductions in the past three years?
What is the rolling Sharpe Ratio?
Please list all strategies / asset classes managed by your firm.
Detail the portfolio performance metrics
Please explain your soft and hard closing policy.
Detail the portfolio risk metrics
Describe the creation and evolution of the investment team. Who is the founder?
In what market conditions does the strategy perform best and worst?
Does the manager have a management committee or other governing body?
What is the rolling Information Ratio?
What is the length of the manager’s oldest continuously active account or client relationship?
What is the rolling Sortino Ratio?
Provide a summary of the investment manager’s compliance monitoring program.
What is the gross exposure?
Which regulatory authority(ies) is the manager regulated by/registered with?
Analyse portfolio drawdowns
Describe the manager’s AML policies and procedures including training and monitoring
Provide VaR analysis for the portfolio
Outline insurance held by the manager and its key employees.
Provide a detailed data quality review
What makes this fund’s strategy or approach unique?
What is the Sharpe Ratio?
What is your target return and risk for the fund?
What is the Sortino Ratio?
In what regions and countries is the fund typically investing?
What is the Treynor Ratio?
If the fund invests primarily in equities, please indicate the typical market cap bands.
What is the Calmar Ratio?
How are the fund’s directors involved in the oversight of the fund’s risk management process?
What is the Omega Ratio?
How is counterparty risk measured, managed and controlled?
What is the portfolio Jensen’s / CAPM Alpha?
How much leverage does the fund use and how is this measured and controlled?
What is the volatility?
Describe your process and practice for the back testing of investment ideas.
What is the beta?
Does the manager undertake any portfolio level hedging?
What is the upside capture ratio?
Describe the cash management policy used for the fund.
What is the downside capture ratio?
Does the fund indemnify the directors? Please describe any indemnity provided.
Explore more features in FOL·Ai
With FOL·Ai, your data remains fully under your control - delete it, and it’s gone. Privacy is protected with advanced encryption and anonymisation, ensuring your PII stays safe and within your workspace.
Built on ISO and CSA STAR certified cloud technology
FOL·Ai integrates seamlessly with your workflows, setting you up to save time and money in under 15 minutes. Create and manage tailored workspaces for your funds, teams, or objectives with ease.
FOL·Ai learns with you - amend and approve responses to build new verified sources. Every answer comes with a full audit trail and source list, giving you complete control and transparency.
Get started with FOL·Ai today
- Chatbot, for drafting, analytics and more
- Smart Multi-Q for completing DDQs in minutes
- 3 workspaces
- Up to 5 users
- Chatbot for drafting, analytics and more
- Smart Multi-Q for completing DDQs in minutes
- 5 workspaces
- Up to 15 users
- Everything in Boutique
- Additional workspaces
- Additional users
- Priority app feature development
- Chatbot, for drafting, analytics and more
- Smart Multi-Q for completing DDQs in minutes
- 3 workspaces
- Up to 5 users
That's £125 per user/month - SAVE 17%
Cancel any time before your renewal
- Chatbot for drafting, analytics and more
- Smart Multi-Q for completing DDQs in minutes
- 5 workspaces
- Up to 15 users
- Everything in Boutique
- Additional workspaces
- Additional users
- Priority app feature development
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