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Day 2 at Davos

Davos Day 2 was a fascinating dive into the world of AI.

Here's a roundup of key highlights from the discussions:

Li Qiang, an AI expert, emphasized on the rise of generative AI. He explained how these algorithms are not just analyzing data but creating new data, opening a world of possibilities. "The potential of being able to model human-like thinking is immense," he said. For businesses, its implications stretch beyond just cost-cutting to creating new value and business models.

Then was Yann LeCun, one of the godfathers of AI, who argued that while generative AI showed promise, the focus should be on accuracy. He mentioned, "It's not just about creating data but creating accurate, reliable data. Without accuracy, AI's potential is severely limited."

On the other hand, Daphne Koller, another AI pioneer, spoke about the role of AI in data privacy. She believes that AI should be used to strengthen privacy rather than weaken it. "We have the technology to anonymize data, to ensure privacy while still making use of the data for societal good," she said.

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, showed how AI is transforming businesses. Using Microsoft as a case study, he revealed how AI is integral to their operations, from customer service to product development. He urged other companies to follow suit: "AI is not a luxury but a necessity for today's businesses."

Finally, Ruth Porat, CFO of Google and Alphabet, shared insights on AI's role in financial services. She highlighted how AI could help predict market trends, manage risk, and personalize financial advice. "AI has the potential to revolutionize the financial sector," Porat said.

AI is no longer in the future; it's here and now. As underlined by these experts, it's not just about incorporating AI into business but doing it accurately and responsibly. The discussions at Davos Day 2 have shown that the future of AI is exciting and is poised to transform various sectors in unprecedented ways.

Stay tuned for more insights from Davos and don't forget to join the conversation on how AI is reshaping our world. Follow RSe Global on LinkedIn and join the movement in AI.
